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Author Laurie Woolever On The Care And Feeding Of Bourdain, Batali & Herself

Laurie Woolever is a writer and author of the highly anticipated memoir, Care and Feeding, which hits shelves tomorrow. Laurie’s book is a deeply personal and unflinching account of her time as an assistant to two towering figures in the food world—Mario Batali, the disgraced celebrity chef, and Anthony Bourdain, the beloved yet complex TV icon and writer. She also shares her own journey, reflecting on how she nearly lost herself in the relentless care and feeding of others.


Laurie joins host Kerry Diamond and opens up about the challenges, hard truths, and personal reckoning that shaped her story. It’s an emotional and thought-provoking discussion that touches on power dynamics, toxic workplaces, and resilience. The duo talks about sensitive topics, so please listen with care.


Photo by Scott Holloway

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