Willy Wonka And The Woman Who Inspired The First Chocolate Factory Film, Madeline Stuart
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This Friday marks the release of “Wonka,” a musical starring Timothée Chalamet that tells the origin story of beloved candy maker Willy Wonka. To celebrate, we’re dipping into the Radio Cherry Bombe vault for our interview with the woman who inspired the original “Willy Wonka” film, Madeline Stuart. Young Madeline loved “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” so much, she suggested to her dad that the Roald Dahl classic children’s book would make a great movie. Fortunately, for legions of “Willy Wonka” fans, Madeline’s dad was director and documentarian Mel Stuart. He gave his daughter $50 for the idea and the rest is Hollywood history. Madeline joins host Kerry Diamond to talk about the story behind the movie, what it was like on set in Munich, the Quaker Oats connection, her father’s relationship with Dahl, the casting of Gene Wilder (over the stars of “Monty Python” and others), and more. They also talk about Madeline’s career as a celebrated interior designer and her book, “No Place Like Home: Interiors by Madeline Stuart.”
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