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Croissant 101 With
Pastry Chef Nicola Lamb

Today’s guest is Nicola Lamb, baker extraordinaire and author ofSift: The Elements of Great Baking. Nicola is a London-based pastry chef who runs the pop-up bakery Lark and pens the popular Substack Kitchen Projects.


She joins host Jessie Sheehan to chat all about croissants and shares how she perfected her skills by making 10,000 a week in a local bakery. The duo get nerdy about the process and techniques for making this baked good at home—from the lamination to the honeycomb. Nicola also talks about her time as “the office cake lady” and working at the NYC bakery of Cronut King Dominique Ansel.

For Nicola’s croissant recipe, check out her book, Sift. For her French Toast Cinnamon Bun recipe, click here.


Photo by Lin Pei Pei

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